
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2021


  First Travel Based Community Token with BNB Rewards Introduction Community-based tokens and the DeFi movement have become monumental in the past year. From seeing advertising campaigns of these tokens on billboards in major cities globally, to the use cases these tokens are developing to push the DeFi movement to new heights. Digital currencies are starting to look like a viable alternative to conventional financial models, and the rapid progression we’ve seen isn’t likely to halt. While these tokens are often termed ‘shitcoins’, this gives no credit to those with strong teams and developers aiming to solve problems and bring communities together. This effectively means that at some point, cryptocurrencies can and hopefully should be used as methods of payment and interaction with the real world. This has already come to fruition to an extent, you can utilise crypto debit cards to pay in stores; without the fluctuations typically associated with cryptocurrency by utilising stable coi


  Permissionless and Community-Governed Launchpad Introduction Dexgem is a permissionless and community-governed launchpad. projects to raise liquidity in a secure & decentralized Community that will choose the project to be listed on the launch pad. Project developers are welcomed to use our security feature allowing them to lock their liquidity provider tokens. Locking liquidity is becoming a standard in the DeFi industry, and we are proud to re-affirm this concept was brought to the market by Dexgem. As a token developer, our technology can serve you to launch your project. We are collaborating with an ever-increasing number of third-party providers that can review different aspects of your product. As an incubator, you can also use our technology to launch your very own incubated projects. About Dexgem Dexgem is Multi Chain Decentralized Protocols and community governed launchpad Dexgem Originally deployed on the Binance Smart Chain, our service will operational on multiple cha

Shark of wall street

  Providing the Users with Access to a Gaming and NFT Platform INTRODUCING SHARK DEFI This is Shark of Wall Street which is a decentralized metaverse gaming and NFT platform, which will accommodate as a one-stop platform for all kinds of gamers. It's an ecosystem that sanctions users to have fun while playing games, making friends, trading virtual assets, and earning mazuma from your zealousness. The vision is to give game developers the implements to engender the next astronomically immense game. The platform will be able to provide developers with all the implements they require in order to develop and deploy their games on Shark Network. The Shark of Wall Street is an intriguing world-class NFT gaming Company all over the world that brings varieties of intriguing, consummate, and unique features aimed at expanding the community and crypto investors to take part in this leading project. On the other hand engendered an NFT gaming platform called “MAKING MONEY” develop on blockchai


  The Real Decentralised Community Driven NFT Project Introduction Freelancing is a mythological virtual life conceptualized by a team of artists and engineered by blockchain enthusiasts. His vision is to build an ecosystem that allows users to create, experience, and monetize their content and apps. Every creativity on Lepasa is an NFT token (ERC-721) and is always owned by its holder on the ethereum blockchain, giving them complete control wherever and whatever they want to use it. Creature is a rare digital asset that is non-exchangeable, transferable, stored in Ethereum smart contracts. Recently it has garnered great interest from people in the virtual world, both for fun and experience. Unlike other virtual properties, Lepasa is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single authority with the power to change the rules of the software, content, token economy, or prevent others from accessing it. This document describes the ideology, technical stance, and economic


  The First Revenue Token in the World The surest way to grow wealth is to build a business or invest in one. Imagine having the chance to be one of the early investors in Apple or any other recognisable Internet company. If most of us had a chance to go back to when these companies were beginning, we would – and we would invest.  Fast forward to today, the Internet is the present. And the future is decentralised technologies in commerce, media, and other industries. The Internet is moving into an autonomous reality where power and control are in the hands of many.  Digital currencies like Bitcoin have led this charge, growing to an almost trillion-dollar cap in less than ten years and allowing declining economies and other use cases to circumvent financial limitations and build wealth despite heavy regulations and dire conditions. Take Lebanon and Nigeria, for example. It’s critical to pay attention to the infrastructures being built now to win in the world of tomorrow. Revenue Capita